Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tools Of The Trade

It's not difficult to get kids interested in what you're doing in the kitchen. Assuming you've got a willing participant, the next thing you'll need is some simple equipment:
  • Stepstool that brings your child to waist-height at the counter
  • Small non-slip (rubber backed) cutting board
  • Measuring spoons
  • Plastic dry measure cups
  • Unbreakable liquid measure cup
  • Large, easy-to-grip mixing spoon or spatula
  • Child's nylon serrated knife ( we like these )
  • Plastic or metal mixing bowls (i.e., "unbreakable")
Curious Chef makes some wonderful kid-friendly kitchen tools, but it's not necessary to go out and buy a lot of new supplies. Even the novice home chef usually has most of the items in the above list. Once you've assembled them, gather up your little sous chef and get cookin'!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What's For Dinner?

We understand how difficult it can be to prepare a meal with little ones underfoot. After a long day at work, making dinner can seem an enormous chore when you'd rather be unwinding on the couch, reading a good book to your toddler. That's why there's no better way to spend time with your kids AND put food on the table than to let them help in the kitchen. You'll be surprised how much they can do--and learn--and how much more they'll eat when they've had a hand in the preparation. So grab a stepstool and those measuring cups, because Kids Can Cook!